Friday, November 17, 2006

Last night Tim, our prospective new roomate was here and I was trying to explain the origin of the conflict between me and Bernardo:

A long time ago (ok three years seems like a long time) (a galexy?)this very apartment...Juliana and Vy and Irene, the flower lady whose "real" name I can't remember, and a very Irish looking petticab driver lived here and paid rent to a man named (Cheik Tall?) (Chek?).

Juliana and I went to Philly for an americorp convention and when we came back Irene, the flowerlady whose real name I can't remember but who said it figured that I would try to use the closet that alreadly had stuff in it because it was just like my people to do something like that...said she was moving out. I went to Ohio for Thanksgiving and when I came back Juliana had found Bernardo. Everyone liked Bernardo, with the possible exception of the petticab driver. Who soon moved out and Bernardo took his room.

(Sigh...those were the days before the con ed conflict..)

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