Friday, September 21, 2007

Yea! After three months with no sink, we have a clean shiny new one!

This AND the giant gaping hole over the tub finally being covered with dry wall. This is a bigger relief than you might expect. It feels so luxurious to be able to wash hands right there in the bathroom. It's delightful.

And to not have to clean debris+roaches out of the tub daily or cringe as each drip drip drip of mysterious brown water hits my head from the gaping hole in the ceiling is really quite a relief.

AND the electricity is back on! Life is beautiful!

There are still some relatively minor problems like mold, rats, and missing tiles and broken intercoms to contend with but quality of life has taken a great leap forward.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

E. Ponce finally came back to work on the bathroom after three months of leaving us with ungrouted tiles, no sink and cement on the floor. Since July we have had another HUGE, dripping hole in ceiling over the bathtub. He installed the sink, patched the hole but left us with two big spots of black mold and no hot water. I don't know if this was an improvement or not. I haven't had a shower in three days.

The electricity is back on.